Friday, January 7, 2011

C++ Language Tutorial


Course Code : EPECS211
Category : CE
Credits: 2
Hours : 3 per week

Develop algorithms and write programs in C++ to implement the following:
1. Operations on stacks.
2. Operations on queues
3. In order, preorder, post order traversal of a binary tree using recursion
4. In order, preorder, post order traversal of a binary tree using non recursion
5. Addition and multiplication of two sparse matrices
6. Converting a given infix expression to postfix form
7. Evaluating a given postfix expression
8. Operations of a dequeue
9. Hashing Algorithms
10. Sorting Algorithms: Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort
11. Depth First Search of a graph
12. Breadth First Search of a Graph
13. Finding the shortest path from a given node to all other nodes a digraph
a) Directed Graph b) Undirected Graph
14. Polynomial Addition, multiplication.

M.Tech. (Evening) (CST) II Semester DATA STRUCTURES WITH C++